What is SEFAGIA?

SEFAGIA is a Scientific Society that promotes autophagy research in Spain that aims at strengthen the competitiveness of the Spanish groups interested in the field of autophagy and boost forward the excellence of basic and translational research. SEFAGIA was born in 2017 as a consequence of many previous interactions and activities of Spanish autophagy research groups initiated in 2013.
In particular SEFAGIA will:

  • Integrate in a forum all the groups interested in the field of autophagy exchanging multidisciplinary knowledge and resources to achieve high quality scientific competitiveness by potentiating /developing/initiating research teams.
  • Generation of networking structures and tools, annual meetings and workshops to promote excellence.
  • Act as the main virtual center to boost exchange in knowledge, technological transference and collaborative agreements among researchers and private enterprises from different sectors to attract private funding and to bridge the gap for pharmaceutical and biotechnological translation.
  • Disseminate Spanish autophagy research through a web site and the social networks, making social participation another important objective in the network.
  • Favour the interaction of researchers abroad with Spanish groups to strengthen collaborations while they are in a foreign country as well as to help them to contact possible laboratories and institutes in their way back to Spain.
  • Potentiate international relationships with groups from other countries mainly from the EU in order to consolidate ongoing collaborations and create new ones.

Share your success with us: sefagiacom@gmail.com

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