The SEFAGIA 2024 meeting was held on April 3th-5th 2024 in Jarandilla de la Vera (Cáceres). The meeting was organized by Dr. Jose Manuel Fuentes. The meeting included the participation of Dr. Muriel Mari (Aarhus University, DK), Dr. Jörn Dengjel (University of Fribourg, CH) and Dr. Kevin Ryan (Beatson Cancer Research Institute, UK) as the invited keynote speakers.
The SEFAGIA 2022 was held on November 9th-11th 2022 in Toledo. The meeting was organized by Dr. Felipe X. Pimentel-Muiños. More than XX participants attended meeting of the Spanish Society of Autophagy and Dr. Sharon Tooze (Francis Crick Institute, UK), Dr. Felix Randow (LMB, Cambridge, UK) and Dr. Francesco Cecconi (Univ. Tor Vergata, Roma & Cancer Research, Denmark) were the invited keynote speakers.
The SEFAGIA 2020 was held on March 4th-6th 2020 in Cáceres (Extremadura). The meeting was organized by Jose Manuel Fuentes from the University of Extremadura. More than 70 participants attended meeting of the Spanish Society of Autophagy and Fulvio Reggiori and Celine Masclaux-Daubresse were the invited keynote speakers.
During SEFAGIA2018 meeting 70 researchers were gathered for three days to discuss and share their most recent data. Three international speakers participated in the meeting: Guido Kroemer, Anne Simonsen and Viktor Zarsky.
Second NEAR meeting
During this second NEAR meeting more than 65 researchers were gathered for three days to discuss and share their most recent data. Four international speakers also participated in the meeting.
First NEAR meeting
This meeting was the first of the Spanish Network for Autophagy Research financed by MINECO. The meeting included 60 participants and three international speakers.
The third Autophagy meeting
The third meeting took place in Sevilla 28 and 29th of June 2015 as a workshop under the umbrella of the SEBC (Spanish Society of Cellular Biology), where around 60 participants discussed the recent advances in the field and the connection of autophagy with different diseases.
Joint meeting with the Nordic and French Autophagy networks
The second scientific meeting of our Network has been held the 15th-18th September 2014 in Toulouse (France) as a joint meeting with the Nordic and French Autophagy networks, called as the First NSF meeting (Nordic, Spanish, French, please see more information. This joint meeting was preceded by the Symposium Autophagy and Cancer. The meeting was hosted by the French Network and organized by two members of each network. Isabelle Vergne and Patrice Codogno from the French network, Anne Simonsen and Daniel Hofius from the Nordic Network and Jose Luis Crespo and Patricia Boya from the Spanish Network. In total more than 205 participants attended this International Autophagy Conference from more than 15 countries.
The first scientific event of spanish autophagy labs
The first scientific event was held in Miraflores de la Sierra in Madrid in 2013. It was organized by Jose Luis Crespo and Patricia Boya. More than 60 persons attended the meeting and during two days the groups presented their work and why they were interested in this field.